I saw the doctor earlier in the week and he convinced me to go along with his recommendation: cortisone injection followed by physical therapy to bust up the scar tissue that's responsible for my "frozen" shoulder. I'm resigned to the fact that I will probably miss much of this coming ski season, the goal being to get well enough such that by next summer I can resume with the house siding project (finish the last face). The one good thing is that the injection has lessened the pain and inflammation, allowing to to sleep more normally, with fewer interruptions. I'm beginning to feel more rested.
Friday night arrives and its time to party. A wicked thunderstorm passed through Denver earlier in the evening, dumping inches of rain, although out were we live we got virtually nothing.
Raindrops splash his face
White bolts light the horizon
Scent of the damp earth
Born in the cloud tops
Down thunderheads dark tower
Cold wind chills the skin
Watches from above
Wrapped in the high clouds white shroud
Bathed in moons pale light

This night's concert took place at Le Colisee de Quebec, Quebec City, Canada on April 21, 1984. Dave was lead vocalist, although on this particular evening there was very little rapping with the audience. They burned through their song list, each pounded out one after the other. Good quality audience bootleg recording. Listening to the music I was struck by how much I now favor the Sammy Hagar era sound over what the band produced during the early years. Its a combination of the vocals, the sound and the lyrics. I just love the sound of Van Halen from the late 80's through the 90's. I just can't get enough of the 90's concerts.
Was back home and in bed by midnight.
Loyalty questioned
Music brings about a shift
Sammy over Dave
Tidal wave of sound
Powered by amp charged brute force
Youths raw energy
Say "See you next year!"
Face a long year of turmoil
Waves crest has broken
Sounds so beautiful
Want it to last forever
Must come to an end

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