It was Friday and events in the UK climaxed with the royal wedding, the fairy tale story of Will and Kate. Thank goodness it is over, no more television shows going into details of what they will be wearing, comparisons to Charles and Diana, pictures of an old stuffy queen. To commemorate the occasion, I decided to listen to the Sex Pistols with their irreverent Anarchy in the UK and God Save the Queen songs.
AS snarling punk idol Johnny Rotten, singer John Lydon famously railed against the monarchy in The Sex Pistols' Seventies anthem God Save The Queen.
So you might not expect him to join well-wishers queuing to congratulate Prince William and Kate. Here he tells SEAN HAMILTON why he wishes them well.
"WHEN I heard William had popped the question to Kate, I had a nice cup of tea for them. Later on, I might even put some bucks fizz in my veins in their honour."
"This is a beautiful love story and I like that. He's done very well for himself - she's bang on the money! He got the No1 contender. "
"People think I hate the Royal Family, but that's not true. My animosity is towards the institution, not the people themselves."
"What I've always resented with the Royals was the austere nonsense that was being propagated."
"But Willy and Katy look like they are genuinely in love and that's all I look for. That's what being a human being is all about. That is what is important in life."
Read it all here:
I pulled the truck out behind the house around 10 PM. Even though it was the end of April, the skies had clouded over and it began snowing. But I was warmly dressed and the doors were opened up and the stereo cranked to very loud. I was looking forward to a pair of really good recordings.
Sunday morning was spent skiing at Loveland, light snow falling much of the day. Over the course of this past week they received another 20 or so inches of powder, still evident in the trees. May 1st and it still feels like February with 100% of the mountain open!

First up was the Sex Pistols performing at Club Citta in Tokoyo, Japan on November 19, 1996. Great recording. The band did their best to fire up the audience, but Johnny was somewhat disappointed by the audiences response during the encore. "Shut up! I am very disappointed in you! This is not respect. This is stupid old Japanese laziness! Noise!"

Love authority
Pales to the Republicans
Love of cruelty
GOP artists
Picture lovingly painted
With the brush of fraud

Their dark hopes shattered
A people without a cause
Look at the asses
No more argument
The lies have been disproven
Tears in birthers eyes

Southern klansmen's kin
Dress suits for their fathers robes
Dream in black and white
Delusional fringe
No amount of evidence
Minds that can't believe
Is he US born?
Is he a British subject?
Is he circumcised?

Clones call for the same
Questioning his breed of dog
As though it matters
Hourly worker
Puts all faith in millionaires
Hands over his wallet

Carnival barker
Trump speaks to all silly clowns
In his audience
What’s fake? Hair, issues,
Presidential candidate
All of the above

Christ surveys the hate
Commit sorrow in his name
Spear thrust in his side
Kings ride their carriage
With pomp and ceremony
The street sweeper pays

Download it from pilhead:

Next up was Nirvana performing at the Roseland Ballroom in New York City on July 23, 1993. Another excellent recording of the entire show. Kurt supposedly overdosed on heroin minutes before the show, but was revived and able to play. This was the first show with Lori Goldston on cello. This was the only show with "Big" John Duncan on second guitar. He played on "Drain You," "Tourette's," "Aneurysm," and "Very Ape." He just played with them once. After that, Pat Smear joined the band as a 2nd guitarist. John Duncan "was the guitar player for the Scottish punk band the Exploited, and he later worked as a roadie/guitar tech for Nirvana/Kurt. He played with them for a few songs in July 1993 at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC. It wasn't really clear who he was or why he was playing with them at the time, but I've since read that it was actually a live 'audition' of sorts, as they were seeking a second guitar player for the In Utero tour.

Download it fron QualityBootz: