Shoirtly after they began it bwas apparant that this wouild be an unusual show. They started late. The songs they played were generally a bit faster than usual, and shorter in nduration. The band seemed to be enjoying themselves, smiles on their faces. Most unusual was the fact that Dave Wakling said virtually nothing between the song, no banter with the audience. And thene there was no encore, no matter how long and enthusiastically the audiance cheered for them. They performed on stage for only a little over an hour. Was this the new English Beat??
We learned later that evening that there was a problem at the show in Fort Collins that prompted this cold reception at the Summit, both venues run by the same company, Soda Jerk. This is what the English Beat FaceBook page said regarding what happened the night before:

Thisd was their way of protesting the events of the previus evening: short show, few drinks sold, Soda Jerk gets a financial hit. Let's see if they perform at the Summit next time they come through .
And they are returning in August, one of the bands playing at the Raggea On The Rocks, at the Red Rocks Amphitheter. Should be a fun show!
Download the show here:
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