Monday, July 16, 2012


The commissioned painting by James Jimenez was shipped to me from the Santisima art gallery in Alberquerque, New Mexico, arriving this past week.  Beautiful! His art is hanging on the wall near the bed.  I spoke with Johnny from the art gallery at length, including my desire to get a couple more of my favorite dead artists who's music has shown up in this blog.  I'm not telling Jack Jensen for fear of creating a jealous rivalry!

In honor of receiving the art work, I listened to Nirvana play a live show at the Foufounes Electriques in  Montreal, QC on April 17, 1990.  An excellent recording.  Chad Channing was still their drummer, only to leave a few months later when Cobain and Novoselic became disenchanted with his drumming. God, Kurt could really let out those deep from within, gut busting screams!

Downdoald it here:

I was wanting some Sex Pistols this weekend and so I search my collection of early works and came up with nothing of the quality I was desiring.  So i wnet for a show during their 1996 Filty Lucre Tour, a night in Santiago, Chile at the Teatro Monumental.  Another fine show with the original lineup, great recording and perormance.  They still had it!

Download it here:

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