The vacation comes to an end. I had brunch with a friend who reported that our scheduled visit with another friend suffering with cancer was not to happen due to her recent hospitalization. The news was very grim. It probably was my only opportunity to see her ever again.
Our last day on the beach was spent dodging the big waves that were crashing on the shore. They built up during the course of the day and were coming in such that even riding them proved to be difficult, unless you didn't mind getting ground into the sand. A few such crashes and my bum shoulder experienced a twinge of pain. Stayed until sunset (the sun falling behind the dunes), at which time we witnessed the rise of a full moon out of the sea. Greasy pizza that night!
The following day we returned to Denver. We were able to get in a couple hours at the beach. A gray, mournful morning with the waves having completely vanished. Got a ride to the airport with a limo driver who spoke endlessly about his mail order bride in the Philippines that he was going to visit later in the month. Wished he spent more time paying attention to the road and not his cell phone. The flight back was uneventful.

Drifting row by row
Ragged clouds on the deep blue
Dark shadows on the sea

Deep ocean rollers
Rise as they cross the shoal
Explode on the sand

Wall of foam flecked green
Rises high and rolls over
Pounds shells and gravel

Black neoprene dots
Sit beyond the breaking surf
Wait for the big ones

The pain of deaths grip
Makes it feel like forever
While time slips away

Medicines failed cure
Bedridden and just waiting
An end too certain
Mind so crystal clear
Abandoned by the body
Ghost in the mirror

Farewells have been said
Limo to LaGuardia
Exits through Gate B

Cool morning sea air
Stood in gently lapping surf
Distant memory

Although I returned to "reality" after a week of relaxing vacation, that did not mean I was denied the opportunity to plunge back into a tequila induced fantasy. Friday night found me back on the prairie, truck door swung wide open and loud music playing. I was in the mood for more 1995, picking "Random Shot", a soundboard recording of Van Halen playing in Pensacola, Florida on March 11, 1995. A great recording that shows the band at their best. Earlier in the evening I was downloading their 1984 Montreal concert with David Lee Roth. Listening to this DLR era recording emphasized how good Sammy was when compared to the original front man. I can understand why Eddie and Alex were ready for something new when they let Dave go in early 1985, re-energizing the band with new vocals the following year.
Although I stuck to my single flask of tequila, consuming it all really messed me up this evening. Got home at midnight and just fell in bed with my cloths on and went to sleep.

Hands at lightning speed
Eddie makes his guitar sing
Thunder to the crowd
Play Where Eagles Fly
Soft melody prepares us
Strike with Ed's hammer
Weekend has arrived
Cigar, tequila, CD
Friday night fuck up