This show took place on Eddie's 53rd birthday. The title of this show refers to a line said by Dave at the beginning of "Romeo Delight". Wolfie tells the crowd to sing Happy Birthday, then Dave replies "Shut your fucking mouth Wolfie and play the song." Halfway through "Romeo Delight" Dave and the crowd sang Happy Birthday, to which Eddie replied "Im sure you're all having a great mother fucking time here". Dave rightfully acknowledges that his rendition of the birthday song was out of key before launching into "Magic Bus".
Download it here:

Stone mausoleums
Facades that house said leaders
Their floors ring hollow
New moon emerges
A pencil thin cusp of light
Hangs in orange sky
Night sky's pocked gray stone
Billions of years to have grown cold
Reflects suns warm light
Pale Queen of the night
Slips behind mountains curtin
Alone with the stars
Stone mausoleums
Facades that house said leaders
Their floors ring hollow
New moon emerges
A pencil thin cusp of light
Hangs in orange sky
Night sky's pocked gray stone
Billions of years to have grown cold
Reflects suns warm light
Pale Queen of the night
Slips behind mountains curtin
Alone with the stars

There before our eyes
Lost in the interference
Land once called Eden
Parking lot is full
A recession proof product
Liquor store's profit
Truck stereo maxed
Their music fills the praire
Amplifer burns
It's David's solo
Sings into the cold night air
Coyotes howl nearby
Amplifer burns
It's David's solo
Sings into the cold night air
Coyotes howl nearby

Poison in his veins
Lost in the music's vortex
Leaves the world behind
What we've waited for
A performance so unique
Eddie takes the stage
Visceral message
Loud poems masked in the music
Crowd sways to the words
Reach the late night's end
Nothing but double vision
Shakes the empty flask